Skip the Line for Convenient Care



Blue section Instant Messaging…Built-in

My Care Kiosk is an ideal iOS/ Android application tool for busy clinics and discerning patients — streamlining administrative processes at critical touchpoints in care delivery. 

Self-check-in kiosk technology is transforming the physical therapy landscape, offering clinics the opportunity to reduce administrative burdens by streamlining operations, enhancing patient satisfaction, and ensuring insurance compliance.

Care Convenience

Patients can immediately engage with this self-service platform to notify therapists through an application or SMS text message, letting them know the patient has checked in and is ready for their session.

Front Office Efficiencies

Convenient automations that empower your patients, giving them control to expedite wait times and manage key elements in preparation for each therapy visit.

Timely Payment Options

This platform expedites billing by seamlessly integrating patient data with billing systems. Patients can pay their copay and outstanding balance and safely save cards on file for future payments.


Free up your team to focus on better care and better business.

By automating the check-in process, physical therapy practices can reduce administrative burdens, improve data accuracy, and allocate resources more efficiently, ultimately leading to better patient outcomes and practice success.

Workflow Integration: The kiosk works with the scheduler, allowing patients to check-in, update demographic information, and notify therapists via text message that the check-in is complete and they are ready to be seen.

Streamline Patient Check-in: Self-check-in for appointments, up-to-date personal information, visit fee payment, reduce wait times, and facilitate efficient data integration.

Faster Payment: Patient-initiated payments expedited bill collection, the management of saved payment methods, and even payment of past-due balances at check-in.